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Crunchy Vegan was created to be a resource for vegans and non-vegans alike. While we do post personal stories and experiences, we try to balance these with content that will help our readers live happier, healthier lives. One way we can do that is by providing content you want to learn about.

Recently, we received a request (we always welcome requests!) to help our readers understand how to shop and prepare seasonal, local foods. We are very excited to announce a new, monthly series where we’ll be discussing in-season produce, where you can find these foods, and how you can prepare them. The timing is perfect! Starting in January is not only an appropriate time to start something, generally; but it’s a convenient time to provide this information, as the winter months are often the months when most folks struggle to eat in-season.

Person Giving Fruit to Another

But it’s not as bleak as you might think! Our ancestors ate only local and in-season foods for centuries—it’s how we’ve come to have so many beloved food-related traditions that coincide with different times of the year (mmmm, late summer peach cobbler, anyone? ). And there’s more to love than just the traditions—when you shop locally and in-season, you’ll usually find that the foods you’re consuming are cheaper and typically more flavorful!

So, we’re clearly excited about this upcoming series, and we hope you are too! Check back tomorrow for our first installment of the series!

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