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Aerial Pop-Up Classes Spring 2022

This spring, I'm exploring new spaces where I can continue to teach aerial classes. For an ongoing schedule of classes, refer to my dedicated aerial page on this site. So join me 6:30 to 7:30 on March 3rd for a trial class in Catonsville [5621 Old Frederick Road...

Taking Lola’s Lead

My life completely changed a few years ago after I first experienced the energy radiating from one fierce woman and her innovative endeavor. To tell more about her and her work first requires that I share a bit about the impact she has had in my life. I always...

At 31, I’m 365 Days Debt-Free

Today marks one year of living debt free. At 31 years old, I'd say this might be one of my proudest accomplishments. Unfortunately, few other millennials are in this boat with me. In fact, 81% of millennials live with debt—with an average price tag of $67,000! So how...
hello balloons

Post-Hiatus Hello

Well it's been a minute, wouldn't you say? Aside from Crunchy Vegan's activity on Instagram, it's been a whole lot of silence over here. Without warning, I took a little hiatus. Let's Get Personal Typically, I don't include much about my personal life. But that's...

I’m Vegan for Myself

Often, in the vegan community, we introduce ourselves with the qualifier: " I'm vegan for..." I'm vegan for the animals. I'm vegan for the planet. I'm vegan for the food. I'm vegan for my health. Certainly, we sometimes use whatever someone claims as their motivation...

Lamenting the War on Street Food

"Street food is one of the most intimate ways to understand a place or culture, but cities rarely provide that experience anymore." As we sat down to watch the new Netflix series, "Street Food," my boyfriend lamented a noticeable absence of the same bustling street...


Crunchy Vegan is a companion for your journey to discover yourself through veganism.


Blazing the Trail

Crunchy Vegan offers real value by capturing the latest news, knowledge, products, and experiences that make vegan living both easy and enjoyable. As a collective of inspired movers and shakers, Crunchy Vegan envisions a world without suffering or exploitation—and we’re forging the path ahead.


Without Compromise or Sacrifice

Yet, there’s no need to sacrifice who we are or what we love when embarking on a path toward veganism. Through veganism, people are unearthing their most authentic selves, honing their ethics, and living compassionately. As we cultivate kindness and tread gently on this Earth, we continue to radiate the vibrant individuality within us all.

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